This is an old revision of the document!

Calibration Files

This page is a repository of baseline calibration files to be used in circumstances where observers were unable to obtain those data during their run.

The calibration files needed to fully process the data are:

  • Bias frames - should always be taken, no baseline files provided here.
  • Quartz flats - for correcting pixel quantum efficiency variations, as well as dichroic “wiggles”.
  • Sky flats - critical for spatial flat-fielding. The internal quartz lamp it not spatially flat. We believe this should not vary much over time (or with grating), so baseline spatial flatfield solutions (i.e. illumination correction, in 2D) should be sufficient.
  • Wire frames - for spatial alignment as a function of wavelength and slitlet.
  • Arc lamps - for deriving the wavelength solution. The baseline wavelength solution for each grating is known, so here we provide those wavelength solutions in the format used as input for pywifes functions.
  • Standard stars - used to correct the wavelength-dependent throughput of the instrument. Baseline values do not change much from night-to-night, so those are provided here.

Suppose you did not take any calibrations at all, or someone else took a single observation for you using a setup different from their own. Here are the items you will need:

  • Flatfield response function
  • Wavelength solution
  • Wire (spatial) solution
  • Calibration (sensitivity) function
  • Telluric correction (red side)

To fix this, you need merely go to the repository below and choose the appropriate files for your given setup. Be sure to point your reduction script to these new files.

Baseline Calibration Files

Note that the detectors for *both* WiFeS cameras were replaced in 2013. Thus the baseline calibration files will be different between the two detector generations. By default, these calibration files have been derived for the formats used in the paper release version “v0.6.0”.

A full listing of all baseline calibration files can be found here.

Generation 2 calibrations available are:

Generation 1 calibrations available are:

1×2 Binning B3000 R3000 U7000 B7000 R7000 I7000
Flat Response1 B3000 R3000 U7000 B7000 R7000 I7000
Twilight (sky) Flat B3000 R3000
Wavelength Solution B3000 R3000 U7000 B7000 R7000 I7000
Wire Solution B3000 R3000 U7000 B7000 R7000 I7000
Flux Calibration2 B3000 R3000 U7000 B7000 R7000 I7000
Telluric Correction2 N/A R3000 N/A N/A R7000 I7000
1×1 Binning B3000 R3000 U7000 B7000 R7000 I7000
Flat Response1
Twilight (sky) Flat
Wavelength Solution
Wire Solution
Flux Calibration2 B3000 R3000 U7000 B7000 R7000 I7000
Telluric Correction2 N/A R3000 N/A N/A R7000 I7000

1 Be very cautious, the physical location of the slitlets on the detector tends to change, so which pixels are being sampled will be different perhaps each night. You really should always take quartz lamp flats, then use the twilight (sky) flats for the illumination correction (which typically does not change). These flat response files should really only be used for quick reductions.

2 These are not binning dependent.