Photo info


  • About half the pipes that ran under the N-S hallway.
  • Steel supports being placed under the main beams of the library floor.
  • Survey cupboards forced open. This is what the glass plates of the ESO surveys look like.
  • The film version of the UKST surveys, completely trashed. Like the books in the library, these crumbled to fine ash when touched
  • And as for the paper Palomar prints, they are fine ash in the cupboard on the right.
  • Heliostat is cleaned and wrapped in plastic sheeting.
  • DSCN1086
  • DSCN1087
  • DSCN1088

And as for the paper Palomar prints, they are fine ash in the cupboard on the right.

                                                                                                                                      And as for the paper Palomar prints, they are fine ash in the cupboard on the right.           More
And as for the paper Palomar prints, they are fine ash in the cupboard on the right. NOTE: All images and movies are copyright and must not be reproduced or mirrored in any form without written permission.