RSAA Colloquia / Seminars / Feast-of-Facts: Friday, 06 December 2019, 11:00-12:00; Duffield Lecture Theatre

Andy Howell

"Explosive Discoveries from Las Cumbres Observatory"

Las Cumbres Observatory is a global network of 23 robotic telescopes providing nearly continuous coverage of the sky. I lead the Global Supernova Project, a nearly six year effort to obtain lightcurves and spectra of 800 supernovae. I’ll talk about a few highlights, including: iPTF14hls, a surprising supernova with a 3+ year lighcurve with 5 peaks, which may be the first example of the long-theorized puslational pair instability supernova. I’ll also mention several type Ia supernovae with early blue bumps in their lightcurves, which may indicate interaction with a companion star. Finally, I’ll talk about our search for kilonovae, including the co-discovery of the optical counterpart of GW170817.