RSAA Colloquia / Seminars / Feast-of-Facts: Thursday, 26 May 2016, 11:00-12:00; Duffield Lecture Theatre

Naomi Priest

"Understanding and addressing unconscious bias: Complexities, challenges and opportunities"

Unconscious or implicit bias is proliferating as a topic of interest within scholarly research and social policy, and within public discourse. Unconscious bias has been linked with a wide range of social issues including employment, policing and criminal justice, education, health and healthcare, housing and public transport, and to experiences and outcomes for a diverse range of groups related to gender, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, migration status, socioeconomic position, disability. However, despite its growing popularity, measuring unconscious bias and its resultant effects remains less well understood, with knowledge of effective interventions to counter unconscious bias even more limited. This seminar will provide an overview of the best available evidence regarding measuring and addressing unconscious bias and explore implications for de-biasing initiatives at individual and organisational levels. There will be opportunity for discussion of implications of this evidence for university and research contexts.