Tour de Stromlo 2000

Official Results of the 2000 Tour de Stromlo and Stromlo Gift

Tour de Stromlo Stromlo Gift

Col Vest 9:58 Greg Wilson 11:20
Ross Tranter 12:00 Isabel Perez ~13:00
Peter Conroy ~12:50 Roger Fux ~13:05
David Pfitzner 13:30 Peter Wood 14:00
Jon de Smet 13:54 Ian Price 14:30
Kim Sebo 13:55 Jess O'Brien ~15:10
Paul Francis ~15:00
Gary Hovey ~15:04
Rob Cappuccio ~16

Bunting provided by Ethics Real Estate, Torrens.

Starter's pistol provided by Weston Creek Athletics Club.

Photos (courtesy Sevenster Photographic Services)

Pre-race highlights:

Walter, our illustrious starter, and organiser of the inaugural 1941 race
Paul and Walter. Paul's bout of the lurgy no doubt seriously hampered both his training schedule and race-day performance.
Kim, Rob, Ross and David, preparing themselves mentally for the race ahead.
The contenders poised at the start line.

Other photos can be put online if anyone can get them to me!

Kim Sebo, Oct 27, 2000